Saturday, 14 February 2009

I have the most wonderful husband!! I woke this morning and found these gifts..and how much more special can a woman feel?? My husband is not into crafting at all but has really over done himself in my craft room this year, he firstly made me a card, and then he said he wanted me to have flowers so created these and he did it all by trial and photo's. I am so so touched. ( many husbands would do this??)


Sarah C said...

Oh wow Tee, did they come with tissues for your happy tears? They are absolutely gorgeous.Well done Mr Tee xoxo

Ruth (ooffee) said...

Awww! Bless him! They are lovely and, as you say, very special! Well done, hubby! Lucky you, Tee. xx

Debbie said...

Aww Tee - how very sweet, considerate and loving your hubby is - and what a fantstic job he has done on creating 2 beautiful pieces. :) I am sure you were very touched to say the least - I would have been in tears at the bother and effort he went to...:)
You do deserve it you know. :0


Karen Mortensen said...

Oh Tee, how lovely of him! It means even more when he isn't used to crafting. Your hubby clearly loves you very much!


Wendy said...

Aww Tee, he's a special guy alright!! What a wonderful thought and they're really well done too. Looks like you might end up sharing your craftroom ;)

Anonymous said...

Aww Tee how lovely of him! You're right, not many hubby's would go to all the trouble to actually make the flowers and card! He's obviously a natural so you may have to share your craft room from now on! xxx